Copy " " & paste to to read in your language.
According to Times, CBS, & CNN over 80% believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11 WTC attack.
A week before 9/11/01 WTC attack, a Pulitzer prize winning, Judith Miller, & 2 'Times' colleagues broke a front page story revealing the U.S. had been weaponizing anthrax. The anthrax was released a week after 9/11. Audit: .
A day before 9/11/01 WTC attack, Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon & that it was a matter of life & death. The Pentagon auditors were killed the next day. Audit: & .
MORE VIABLE BY INNOCULATION! The 2009 bio weapon H1N1 attack "flamed out" because it reverted to less virile sub components in the natural environment although reaping billions for vaccine industry.   Audit: &:  Read:   .
Holder,& Obama?, are continuing Bush policy of supplying planes & weapons to drug Cartels. Audit: , &  ... To attack whom? It's cocain/opium wars against the US under false pretext like Vietnam, Afghanistan... Now US?
Our economy is still under attack by the same bankster criminals.  Read about the '9-11 ECONO-TERRORISTS' at , & 'CIA, Wall Street, big banks & 9/11' at . FORECLOSE WALL STREET! See:
According to , thousands of architects, engineers, academics, high-ranking military officers, hundreds of 9/11 firemen, survivors, family members , & counter-terrorism/intelligence vets challenge the government's "Official" 9/11 coverup. The majority of "Official" 9/11 Con-missioners now admit the Gov. lied about 9/11, including Chair, Tom Kean , VC, Lee Hamilton, & Sr. Legal Counsel, John Farmer, stating, "There was an agreement not to tell the truth." Sen. Graham, Chair of Intel Oversight exposes 9/11 cover-up. Audit: & . Former 4 star U.S General admits to America Foreign Policy Coup. Audit: . 9/11/01 was a "false flag" attack & subsequent cover-up by elements of the US Government. Audit: &: . Ex Navy Seal, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura praises 'Loose Change: Final Cut' 9/11 expose' . Audit: &: . 'Loose Change' is plastered all over Ron Paul media outlets. Audit: And: Read:
I pass my 'Peace Dollars' out all over the country in an effort to raise awareness. My 'Peace Dollar' is a "cheat sheet" mini newspaper of what is going on. You can view a hot linked version at . The people in the Gulf states are very receptive to my Peace Dollars & hungry for alternative media. They feel that the Gulf oil spill disaster is another Gulf war perpetrated by Cheney's Haliburton.
Perhaps people, in areas of Haliburton/Enron "Fracking", may grow interest in alternative media as they become aware of how badly compromised corporate media has become.  I cannot understand how Americans can allow 9/11 executioners of our GI's on their property. Read: &: Audit:   . 
While passing out my  "Peace Dollars" I sometimes come across unattended animals in, hot, unvented cars. I report this & log the license numbers on my 'Peace Dollar' page at . On 8/22/11 I found windows open with 2 unattended infants in child restraints in a white Chevy Suburban EJR-9276 left running for quite a while in a parking lot near LIQUOR DEPOT Oneonta, ny . I found the owner, advised him as to how easy it would be to hijack the vehicle which the infants restrained in their seat belts. I promised him that I would make him a star. This white Chevy Suburban is emblematic of American values.

My "Peace Dollars" were conceived a few years ago in front of the Florida Capitol Building where I "vigiled" with only one other war protester who has been there for almost ten years. Florida has begun firing masses of tenured hard science professors to pay for war. It's happening everywhere. Education, & therefore, the future of our kids is being hijacked by war criminals with US citizen implied consent. There is no question about the priorities of this feral rogue government. "True education is fundamental to freedom...   It must be crushed".
"What are your Peace Dollar worth? Can I buy anything with it?"
I tell them to hang on to it because it will soon be of more value than their Feral Reserve funny money. My Peace Dollars are based on the rarest commodity on earth... PEACE... & is, therefore invaluable. Many stores will accept them & take a dollar off your bill. In fact I'd like to draw attention to the "Ithaca Dollar" at .
Ironically it is the corporate media itself that is causing the proliferation of the Truthers. "Faux" News has almost figured it out. But they are so intimidated by Cynthia McKinny, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul that the corporate media is desperately falling back on it's old "blackout" strategy. Jon Stewart exposes ongoing media censorship of Ron Paul . FORECLOSE WASHINGTON! Put the obumbas in the street! The states must recall entire US gov. and draft Mckinny, Ventura, & Paul as Interim Tribunal. Audit: .  Heads Up! Ron Paul is being blocked on the web. Fortunately, people have been up loading sites that have been blocked. Archive Ron PAul! They will shut down the web if they have to. The net effect of the corporate media blackout is a conflagration of alternative media embers. Some will burn out but many more will start new fires of awareness all over the world. Thousands of different types of alternate media outlets will be established to compete with corporate-government subsidized media -- all forged on the anvil of oppression.
Another reason for my informational Peace Dollars is mentioned by Governor Ventura who stated that he wrote American Conspiracies because the corporate government "media systematically ignores any conspiracy". But does the corporate government media really "ignore" conspiracies? They lie, omit, stonewall, subvert, revise reporter findings, fire & discredit reporters that accidentally tell the truth, or glorify international hunts against independent media that may expose government conspiracy. Media "hacks in" on the privacy of tragedy victims worldwide & are linked up with top level government security infrastructure. Government/Murdoch media Newscorp Director Viet Dhin was the chief architect of the Patriot act who served as an Ass. At. Gen. of the US from 2001 to 2003, under Pres. Bush. Dinh took over the investigation of the 'News of the World' phone hacking affair 7/11, & the investigation into Rupert (the Morlock) 'Newscorp' hacking communiqués of 911 victims. Read:  . Murdoch's 'News of The World' is just the tip of the ice burg. According to Ventura, CBS, Time/Life, NY Times, Herald Tribune, & Miami News are key CIA organs. The CIA has an entire division of over 400 key journalists providing a full range of clandestine services. Audit: And: . Obama, & jockey, Holder, are not going to stand up to Murdoch's Empire & are expected to capitulate & block, or whitewash, any investigation into Rupert (the Morlock) 'Newscorp' hacking of 911 victims. Audit: , & The media does not ignore conspiracies, Mr. Ventura. It is very much a part of them. One editor admitted to media participating in a planned biological genocide. Wake up media! Do you really believe that your master... This Feral Rogue Government will protect you & your children when they will no longer need you? Disobey! OBAMA ORDERS CRIPLED NEBRASKA NUCLEAR PLANT BLACKOUT: (Read: .
US war contractors trafficking women & kids. Audit: , , , & . Swine flu vaccine is controlled by same war contractors. Audit: .
UNITED STATES OF APATHY... Indeed! But now we have sense of why. But Nature is unforgiving. All other species generally demonstrate an "appropriate" response in defending their young (with maybe the exception of caged rats). In terms of prey-predator relationships. The predator generally culls the weaker & sicker of the herd. But how do predators react to a herd that demonstrates inappropriate response? A kill frenzy is initiated to eliminate the entire dysfunctional herd.  It is time for Americans to demonstrate "appropriate behavior".   Turn & face your predators! STOP BEING CHUM. PRAY OR BECOME PREY. Put on the complete suit of armor (Ephesians 6:11)! The struggle defines us.   The struggle refines us. -



Cost of War sign
posted on NY City Hall

FOX Funds Ground 0 Mosque. See

Help Control Fuel Prices

US Contractor
Killing Our G.I.s

  •   <> 

  • ON 9/10/01 RUMSFELD ANNOUNCED THAT $2.3 TRILLION IN GOVERNMENT FUNDS WAS MISSING. The truth was conveniently buried with the Pentagon Accountants that were among the 9/11 victims (See & ).

    "MY SILENCE CAN'T BE BOUGHT." - Bev. Eckert, 9/11 Widow/Founder of Voices of 9/11, died in plane crash right after 2/6/09 visit w/ Obama (See ) so that by 3/5/09 all but 3 of nearly 100 lawsuits brought by families rejecting 9/11 HUSH FUND have finally settled.

    US Defense spending is half of entire world & most of Income Tax ( ). As Bush 3rd term, Cheney House Boy, Obama, backs Indonesian death squads (See ) and expands secret and blatant wars worldwide. Is violence the only thing the US makes?

    Obama gets DC Appeals Court to reverse its' 4/9/10 off shore drill ban shortly after winning office (See ).


    In the past I have exposed local media blackout of serious SUCO issues by contacting Ottoway and they ordered the Star to cover
    it. Sometimes corporate headquarters are kept out of the loop too!

    I also organized an alternative rag in response to media blackout.
     - We exposed Delaware County corruption so that all the regional media had to deal with it. The perpetrator got booted.
     - We exposed the government expulsion of a South African dissident, who would have been sent to death, or imprisonment, in
        Apartheid. His wife taught at SUCO. All the regional media had to deal with it. We saved his life!
     - We exposed the epidemic of coed rapes that the media would not cover and fielded solutions.
        The SUCO buses are the result of that effort.

    Determined & superior alternative journalism will ultimately set a high standard that will leave corporate/government media conspicuously floundering. Don't think I haven't been viciously attacked by the government & media for doing it. I'm still here. That's why I AM STILL HERE! I'm a fighter, a Peace Warrior, & I will see to it that regional media get copies of this transcript  in case they are not aware of TRUTH...  OR CONSEQUENCES. It will also be posted at .

    <>I am still here also because I was cured by my chemo therapy although residual damage to my organs may shorten my stay on this planet. I want to try to leave the young with the wherewithal to deal with pending challenges. I've interviewed those who surrender to cancer & those who fight it. Many survivors form cancer support groups. They demonstrate no tangible change in lifestyle with the exception of one thing...  I've come to a conclusion that wanting to help others get through their sickness keeps them alive  & in a sort of "fight mode" diminishing relapse.  "Writing Therapy" has also been clinically proven to mitigate cancer & other illnesses.

    But this is really about the consuming cancer of "denial" that is turning Americans into soulless zombie slaves. No matter how many innocent lives that are taken in these senseless wars it will not rid Americans of their demons of apathy, fear, & irrational hate.  See how far we have come!  We used to hate, & fear, those of different color.  Now we have government-media  sponsored hate, & fear, for anyone who is different, or does not go along.  People say, "Aren't we free? Don't we have free speech?" I say it is rarely possible to recover freedom once it is lost...  Once freedom of speach is allowed only for those who have nothing to say.

    Attend cancer support groups & partake of the quiet strength & resolve of these heroes. Learn to relish the taste of victory instead of your own blood. The Afghani people are heroically fighting off the cancer which has already consumed us (We are not just consumers... We are consumer commodities. We can be sold... We are not made of gold).

    The Afghani are who we used to be! Audit:

    Compiler, Jos. Morales, graduated from both SUNY Delhi & Oneonta in environmental related disciplines & has toured nationally on acid rain issues (Read: ). He started alternative newspapers, arts school for children, Personnel Effectiveness Training, and Artists' Coalition for the Environment and now travels all over the country distributing his 'PEACE DOLLARS' for a new agricultural economy based on peace and energy independence.