'Sacred Cow' A firmly held mainstream belief that is considered to be true without independent verification.


What does this tell you?


ANY FERMENTED PRODUCT, like sauerkraut, hops, Greek yogurt, and kefir impact more than your gut: Probiotic products augment your immune and nervous systems. 

ANTIVIRAL Coconut Oil & Bay Leaf contain monolaurin. 

ATTITUDE: At cancer survivor meetings I quickly discovered the most important distinction between winners & losers is not race, religion, or lifestyle, but a resolve that kept them in a constant fight mode to help cancer victims. If you put your trust in "Pharma pushers" & their syringe-for-profit-solutions you are a just another "junkie". http://www.naturalnews.com/052006_shingles_epidemic_chickenpox_vaccine_herpes_zoster.html

AIR: Exercise. Avoid auto emissions & exposure to atmospheric injections of toxic "chem trails" 

'A's: Andrographis & Apple; 
'C's: Vitamin C, Cats Claw, Cocoa, Cayenne; 
'G's: Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, boost resources, immune system, & sweep out cholesterol. 
'M's: Mushrooms like shiitake & Mai take give a rich, aged, flavor to chili & spaghetti sauce; 
'O's: Olive leaf, Oregano oil, & Onions

CLEANING not only gives bugs the impression they are not welcome but it is also good exercise in burning up calories & cholesterol. My biology professor always said, "It's not the soap. The best disinfectant is friction." 

ELDERBERRY coats virus so it can't replicate. 

GET IN THE SUN LITTLE DARLINGS! A moving target is harder to hit. Bring a clear plastic/glass jug of water & throw in some tea bags. Sweeten it with anti viral bay leaf, strawberry, elderberry, xylitol, honey, propolis, or mannitol. 

MADRAS CURRY has an anti-infective blend of turmeric, coriander, fenugreek, cardamom, ginger, garlic, mustard, & cayenne. 

MEDITATION & SLEEPING regulate the immune system. Sleeping is nature's way of defragmenting & processing data & shuts down "background programs" in the brain which frees resources minimizing stress and system crashes. 

TRYPTOPHAN (in chicken soup & chili) promotes immune & mood boosting sleep. 

WATER: Avoid fluoridated water, aluminum &  coated cookware. 

XYLITOL, WHITE TEA, RAW HONEY & CIDER Vinegar  (ALSO USE AS face, tooth, nasal, & general body wash anti infective). 

FOR A SICK ECONOMY: Hemp, and silver, should be the basis of a new economy AND it can buy you a healthy immune system (SEE: ratical.com/renewables/hempseed1.html  & regenerativenutrition.com/content.asp?id=64  & digitalhemp.com/eecdrom/TEXT/page3.htm  & CDMAG.US/hemp.html ). 

OK...  So a bad bug got through... 
Run the following. Lysine, Zinc, Echinacea, Silver, Elderberry, Oscillococcinum. Mega dose vitamin C 
& ask your local vendor to stock Elderberry beverages & Colloidal silver. 
No Fluoride or GMO's!

Making your own vaccine is easier than making your own beer.

Opposed to

Dr. Blaylock: "You have the military-industrial complex on one side & you have the experts on the other".
Dr. Carley: "Vaccines Are True Weapons Of Mass Destruction."
Dr. Douglass: "How do we close the tide of terrorism that flows out of health clinics & pediatrician offices around the world?"
Dr. Eisenstein: "We've treated @35,000 children over the years. I don't think we've seen a case of autism in a child that never received vaccines."
Dr. Grandin: "And you know what? 
They don't do it to horses."
Dr. Greenberg, Department of Bio-statistics Head, University of North Carolina, School of Public Health, testified in a 1962 U.S. Congressional hearing, "There had been a 50% increase in polio cases between 1957 & 1958, & an 80% increase the following year, but
the statistics had been deliberately manipulated by public health services to give the opposite impression".
Dr. Hieb, Past President of Association of American Physicians & Surgeons: ' Mandatory vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare."Mandatory vaccinations violate the Nuremberg Code & 14th Ammendment.."
Dr. Hilleman, Merck vaccine pioneer admits SV40, AIDS, & cancer are in vaccines" (SEE: youtube.com/watch?v=-uGWut6IRfA & youtube.com/watch?v=GvsXrVkjyz4 ).
Dr. Horowitz: "When a long train of abuses, and usurpations, evince a design to reduce our basic rights, our Constitution requires us to throw off such despotic power." (SEE: proliberty.com/observer/20011202.htm & youtube.com/watch?v=6bPDBND2jL4 & vimeo.com/47773086 ).
Dr. Laibow & Gen. Stubblebine: "Vaccines Are A Complete Fraud. Don't Poison Your Child!"
Dr. Lanctot: Vaccination is a biological weapon."
Dr. Mercola: " The pieces of the [autism] puzzle start to add up
Dr. Oz: " No Flu Shots For My Kids!"
Dr. Scheibner: "Vaccines do not prevent disease. They are implicated in causing disease & very serious reactions."
Dr. Shannon, Former Director of National Institute of Health: "The only safe vaccine is one that is never used."
Dr. Thompson, CDC whistle blower: The CDC documents reveal widespread manipulation of scientific data & top-down pressure on CDC scientists to suppress a causal link between the MMR vaccine & autism.
Dr. Wolfson: "I crafted a blog post on VaccineImpact.com that went viral. The article was a scathing condemnation of parents who blindly follow their doctor's bad advice. I stand by that post today as much as on the day I crafted it." 
OTHER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS that support 14th Amendment (SEE:
 - Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines

Vaccinations have given rise to deadly atypical measles 

Chickenpox vaccine now causing shingles epidemic in children and adults.
Biologists activate 40-million-year-old bacteria spores from amber. Our civilization, atmosphere, & life itself, is based on single celled organisms 
(SEE: sjvgeology.org/oil/oil.html& youtube.com/watch?v=zdjtfLL4zucsciencedaily.com/
Ergot fungus contributed to religious experiences & development of religious orders over the centuries. In the '50s, CIA's MK-ULTRA Mind Control program propagated LSD among GIs and co-eds inadvertently triggering a '60's awareness renaissance (SEE: youtube.com/watch?v=duAxAcI-N50 & youtube.com/watch?v=A7edc6wdMyc ).
A lethal outbreak of Spanish-imported smallpox kept the Aztecs from pursueing the defeated Spaniards who would regroup to conquer Mexico. The Aztec culture & religion capitulated to Spain & Catholicism because there could be no doubt which side enjoyed divine favor.
Plum Island, NY, established 4/15/54 under the control of US Army, & Dr. Erich Traub, who was a NAZI germ warfare scientist smuggled into the US by ZioNAZI eugenicist Henry Kissinger's Operation Paperclip (SEE: rense.com/general67/plumislandlyme.htm & youtube.com/watch?v=pdoWwzY2p7I ).
Salk polio vaccine trials begin 4/26/54 (Later proven to cause cancer). It did not take long for the unbridled NAZI takeover of the US, with it's Zionist bankster financiers becoming the ruling dynasty (SEE: youtube.com/watch?v=5UvbEa2WEtw & hermes-press.com/germany1930.htm ). (Interestingly, the 3rd Reich is based on Anglo-American eugenics research.)
Mind-controlling parasites are sophisticated, tenacious, resilient, prolific &  can adapt to their environment with amazing ease (as in the case of the "Bush 6"). Once parasites take control, they can shut down defense/immune systems, &  cause impotency. Parasites compel us to load up on junk foods to the point of obesity & illness in order to satisfy their ravenous and greedy demands  (SEE: vid.staged.com/W2Cn & youtube.com/watch?v=9g3nyf-Lvvc ). Parasites can go "hyper" on full moons.
A week before 9/11/01 WTC attack, a Pulitzer prize winning, Judith Miller, & 2 colleagues broke a Times front page story revealing the U.S. had "weaponized" anthrax. In response to 9/11 Inquiry Cheney initiated an anthrax attack (SEE: youtu.be/v2YrHpB64ac & oilempire.us/anthrax.html ). The anthrax was released a week after 9/11 & was blamed on a "suicided" Army researcher who did not have the means to "weaponize" anthrax (but a military contractor selected to "weaponize" the anthrax did). It is the same company that holds the patent for the Linear Thermite Charge used on 9/11.
End "Halliburton Loopholes" that protect injection technologies from any oversight, or liability.
Vaccinations have given rise to deadly atypical measles . Emerging illnesses are not the result of "lack of immunizations" but the destruction of immune systems... LIKE "BORDERS"! The landmark Plyler vs. Doe decision guaranteed illegal immigrants a free public education and established their civil rights and equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment. Aliens can march across the border w/out shots & be guaranteed education.
THE ONLY THING THE "PUSHERS" HAVE ON THEIR SIDE IS POISONED BAYONETS of compulsory vaccines that parents will ALLOW the stabbing of their own children with little prompting. Pols & white-coats are nothing more than a hired Pharma thugs that are exempt from everything they are imposing on everyone else.
I was a student nurse when my friends got drafted. I WAS A LOVER, NOT A FIGHTER. I enlisted as 'Navy Corpsman' where I could save lives. I was the "go-to" guy for shots. It was always a rush to see big hulks faint & go face down on the deck. I don't remember anyone ever reading the literature but wielding the syringe gave me a perverse sense of power. NOW I JUST LOVE TO FIGHT to protect the Constitution & your right to make INFORMED CHOICES because every child has their own built in constitution to keep them healthy. After spending sufficient time with my NAVY "pharma-demon", I joined Mom, & Sis, in Vietnam war protests. The war was wrong, and illegal, just like the ones we are fighting now... especially against our most defenseless. What was it that kept US in Vietnam until we went "belly-up"? GUILT! DENIAL! JUSTIFICATION! COGNITIVE & MORAL IDIOCY, AND ULTIMATELY...  MADNESS. The good news is that the US found ways to use the chemicals left over from Vietnam (Agent Orange is  currently being used in US utility R. O. W.s & US waterways) while we falsely accuse Syria of using the same chemical we dump our drinking water while US parents restrain their own defenseless, trusting, children while white-coats inject them with a bio-chemical arsenal. 
As a SUNY Enviro-Sci Grad it's hard to  pull my eyes from this prey-predator dynamics. The herd is provoking a predator kill frenzy by "going along". Cheney & Rumsfeld both benefit by "Halliburton Loophole"  laws that protect injection industries from any testing, oversight, or liability.
THE 'ANGLO-AMERICAN AXIS' HAS BEEN PUSHING DRUGS SINCE OPIUM WARS.  The Vietnamese got over our fiasco but our children will never recover from our war on their little immune systems? Our "enemies" do not hate us for our freedom... they loath our madness.The rest of the world is moving away with their eyes wide open. 
14TH AMENDMENT: Section 1.  "No State shall make, or enforce, any law which shall abridge the privileges or IMMUNITIES of citizens of the United States". The US has the most aggressive mandatory vaccination program as autism rises 80%. Double that of all other countries combined. 1 out of every 60 kids in the US has some form of autism disorder. Our schools are reeling with special needs children as millions of parents pretend they don't know why. Most autistic children start out perfectly normal. This discrepancy is reflected in the US having the highest prison population... double that of all other countries combined
The CDC vaccine scientists who hid links to autism should go to jail (SEE: naturalnews.com/032216_Thorsen_fraud.html & dailymotion.com/video/x2snsil ).  You may not be interested in what you are doing to your kids but the world IS watching .
MEXICO STOPS VACCINES - Babies Dead, Dozens Hospitalized.
The 2009 bio-weapon H1N1 attack "flamed out" because it reverted to less virile sub components in the natural environment although reaping billions for vaccine industry (SEE: youtube.com/watch?v=5mnn3vMnN94&NR=1 & youtube.com/watch?v=WkiH-JrSXcs ). Not surprisingly, H1N1 is linked with the same military contractors involved in child trafficking (SEE: https://youtu.be/XJZIKrpQKBo& http://www.carlg.org/engswineflu.html ) and, of course, Rumsfeld's Tamiflu. Swine Flu Shot Is also Linked to Killer Nerve Disease (SEE: luisfreespeech.weebly.com/viruses.html & whale.to/a/mcbean.html ).
There's class warfare, all right, Mr. Buffett said, but its my class, the rich class, that's making war,  & we're winning.;
Microsoft's, Bill Gates Admits, "The world today has 6.8 billion people... now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health-care, reproductive health services, we could lower that (number) by perhaps 10 or 15%. Vaccines are something I love."
The elite openly state that you are "useless eaters" that should be exterminated. Your silence & compliance proves they are right. You call anyone advocating "informed consent", "a crackpot", "anti-vac", "conspiracy theorist" but the real conspiracy is your complicit silence. It is you, because of your lazy mindedness, that has turned "Informed Consent" into a conspiracy when it should have served as a means to hold vaccinations to a high standard. You have failed liberty, your family, and your neighbors proving the elitist's point. "You deserve total elimination". 
" Let the children alone. Don't prevent them from coming to me. " - Matt. 19:14

 Mary and Dr. Renee Tocco on the Evening News. ). 

RFK Jr. says, "Vaccines is a religion- not science". He, & Robert De Niro, Offer $100K for 'Proof' Vaccines Are Safe.
"All great truths begin as blasphemies -- George Bernard Shaw.
" VACCINATION: A Sacrament of Modern Medicine.
- Richard Moskowitz, M. D. 
"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." - Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20
It is ironic that we must claim "religious exemption" to avoid vaccines when the vaccine "pogrom" has all the characteristics of a religious extremist fanatical Jihad Inquisition. You may think you're getting religion out of school... but you are just imposing a state eugenics religion in it's place.
Big pharma, & corporations are indoctrinating children to state phallic injection sex worship while parents laughingly go along.
" Forced Vaccination as a Barbaric Mind-Control Initiatory Ritual" Medical Doctor and Top Intelligence Officer expose vaccine genocide (SEE: youtube.com/watch?v=m1JdYCCqMKg  & vactruth.com/2014/03/19/tissue-scurvy-not-child-abuse.
Soylent Green is babies! ROE V WADE "FREEDOM OF CHOICE": 
A FETAL HARVEST FOR FORCED INJECTIONS. Young women are paid (or kidnapped) to get pregnant and have their unborn baby's organ tissue harvested for companies like Stem Express in Placerville.
"Pharmakos" (Greek: plural "pharmakoi"), in Ancient Greek religion, was a ritual sacrifice. Vaccines are worst kind of child abuse. It is ritual child abuse. Mandatory vaccines are an occult pagan phallic religious crusade. The only weapon left in an arsenal of failed policy. Mandated vaccines give testimony to the intellectual impotency on the part of governments and drug pushers.
Real Integrative Health Management, on the other hand, demands informed health-care professionals, government, and parents as to all tools available to insure public health partnership based on the principle of informed consent. This is where we have failed absolutely & miserably precipitating an absolutist police state of un- imagined horrors. 
Eve exclaimed "I have gotten a man, a lord" (Gen.4:4). The name Cain came to mean "cohen" or "priest." Cain developed his own religion after being cut off from God. "CANNIBAL" (Cahn-a-Baal) is a word which means "Baal Priest". This priesthood of Cain and that the religion of Cain had to do with CONSUMING of HUMAN FLESH -- mostly LITTLE CHILDREN.
BAAL/MOLOCH was part of a phallic Canaanite fertility rituals including child SACRIFICE/MUTILATION & temple prostitution (Both finding their way to Rome itself ). Live children were placed into the hands of the bronze image of BAAL/MOLOCH & were rolled into a fire pit below (SEE: II Kings 23:10 & Jeremiah 19:6 ). Parents participated in this practice largely for the sake of social acceptance & access to education & so on.
" They may perform on the Sabbath all things that are needful for circumcision: excision, tearing, sucking [the wound]" - Mishnah.
Paul expresses disgust at phallic obsessions in Gal. 5:1, "For freedom Christ set us free. Therefore, stand firm, & do not let yourselves be confined, again, in a yoke of slavery. You were running well. Who hindered you from continuing in the truth?" In Gal. 5:8 Paul says, "This sort of persuasion does not come from the One calling you." &, in Gal. 5:12 frustrated Paul exclaimed, "I wish these men who are trying to stumble you would emasculate themselves".
The story behind the phallic obelisk in St. Peter's Square is one of tortured martyrs, mutilated genitals, and child sacrifice brings all religions & state leaders to kneel before their Pope & his phallus.
For Great Vaccination Quotes, Click here!
